Jesse Jackson Jr – Jhoon Rhee TKD – Ep211

In this episode, we welcome Jesse Jackson Jr., a man whose life journey spans martial arts, activism, politics, and media.

Jesse has studied multiple martial arts disciplines, including Tae Kwon Do and Kung Fu. As a teenager, he and his brother played an active role in supporting their father’s civil rights efforts.

During the 1984 Democratic Primaries, Jesse made appearances to support his father’s presidential campaign. While in college, he spearheaded a voter registration drive that successfully registered 3,500 students on a campus of just 4,500.

Jesse went on to serve as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives for Illinois’ 2nd District from 1995 to 2012. In addition to his political career, he has authored several books and is now the host of a syndicated radio show.

Join me as we dive into his incredible journey — please welcome my guest, Mr. Jesse Jackson Jr.

Jesse Jackson Jr. | KBLA

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