jackie chan

Keith Vitali – EP105

Keith grew up running cross country and track while in high school and college, which he partiallycredits to his martial arts success later in life. He is a martial artist, author, Actor & producer. By the end of his competitive fighting career he had won every national tournament in the country.He was the Number One Keith Vitali – EP105

Christine Bannon-Rodrigues – Tournament Legend, WMAC Masters, Stunt Person – Ep53

Christine is an Instructor, stunt person, actress, product designer, spokesperson and more.She holds a 9th degree Black belt and has been studying martial arts for over 40 years.She is one of only 3 people to be certified by 3 of the Kenpo Pioneers in the US:Grand Masters Nick Cerio, Ed Parker and George Pasare.in 1991 Christine Bannon-Rodrigues – Tournament Legend, WMAC Masters, Stunt Person – Ep53