Ron Thomas – Cobra Kai – Ep157

Welcome to today’s episode featuring the multi-talented Ron Thomas. Ron is not just a martial artist; he’s an accomplished athlete, actor, motivational speaker, coach, and author.

Ron’s journey in competitive sports began at an astonishingly young age of 3, with swimming marking the initiation of his career. Throughout his competitive endeavors in swimming, golf, and martial arts, he attained an impressive array of accolades, ranging from state and regional titles to national, international, and even world championship status.

His martial arts prowess has been honed through training with some of the best in the world, including luminaries like Billy Blanks, Wally Jay, and Pat Johnson, among others.

In addition to his physical achievements, Ron is also a published author. His current books, “Positive Thinking is for Sissies” and “The Best You Can Sucks,” reflect his unique perspective on personal development. Stay tuned for his upcoming book that promises to offer fresh insights and wisdom.

As an actor, Ron is best recognized for his memorable role in the timeless martial arts classic, The Karate Kid. Fans of the global sensation Cobra Kai will also recognize him for bringing the character of Bobby to the small screen.

Join me in extending a warm welcome to our guest today, Sensei Ron Thomas, as we delve into his diverse and inspiring journey.

Sensei Ron Thomas – Actor, Motivational Speaker, and Personal Development Expert. Cobra Kai and The Karate Kid co-star..

The Best You Can Sucks – Sensei Ron Thomas

Positive Thinking is for Sissies – Sensei Ron Thomas